God, Mike... How many times do I have to say it?

The interface speed has got JACK to do with how fast a sampler loads up. Other than an out and out computer (which MS and Wersi have), show me ONE sampler, from anyone, that loads up at USB2 speeds... or even USB1.1, even...
MotifXS...? NO. FantomG...? NO. Korg M3...? NO. Kurzweil...? NO.
Find something that CAN do it, before you bitch at Ketron for not... One thing the Ketron sampler does, that NOTHING else hardware does... It multitasks. It's the first thing I ever heard of that can load samples and still keep playing.

Doesn't THAT float your boat? No need to keep twiddling while it loads... play something!
Do you even HAVE a sampler? Ever use one? How come you don't know this stuff?