I feel that if Ketron force you to make a lower profit on their line than other lines, they should stock the Audya (one unit) in your store gratis. Then, WHEN you make the sale, you pay them at that point. There are a tiny handful of dealers in the US anyway, it would not break Ketron. But it WOULD take the sting out of having to BUY an Audya, just to show it at the inflated price they have managed to bring it out at, and force you to take a lower margin.

With the economy the way it is, who in their right minds will sell a customer an Audya, if he could sell a T3 and make more profit? And cost their customer less, to boot? It seems the predominant buyers of Audya's are already Ketron owners. Who, apparently, are the world's least demanding arranger user (if you read how outraged they get when the Audya's shortcomings are talked about). You shouldn't actually NEED one in stock to sell it to them...

And, Ensnareyou... So you have to actually be able to AFFORD a Picasso, before you can decide (and post about) whether you like him or not?
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!