I always check out the venue before agreeing to work there. Recently, I got an offer from a huge indoor/outdoor complex. There was a nice dining room, a large dance area on the bottom floor, a large outdoor patio and a huge outdoor bar, stage and game area (some kind of bean-bag toss and volleyball).

They wanted me in the dining room in the winters and on the patio and on a 60 person boat they're outfitting as a dinner cruise boat.

Problem was, the dining room had continuous Buffet music, which I don't do, The food was awful and the customers were country music fans.

I ran like the wind, even though the contract was extended and generous.

That just wouldn't have worked out, and the pay was considerably less than what private parties pay.

It just wasn't for me, but I appreciated the offer. The owner has seen an operation in St. Louis with a dining room piano player, and customers recommended me.

That was nice of them.
