Thing is, chas, what you suggest (other than the 'sticky' and the site hosting this) has been possible here since Day1... and, to be honest, putting them ALL on one thread would make for a very unwieldy thread, due to the replies and critiques getting all mixed up. I like Larry "Beakybird"'s approach.... when he's got something he wants to post, he just posts it. No dedicated eJam thread, no 'Best of Larry' thread... just 'Here's my latest, what do you think?'

How different this idea is from your previous 'I would NEVER post any music here' stance

But the bottom line is, ANYONE that wants to post music here is already able to do it. The eJam has helped increase participation by simply giving a sort of focus to it. But it has NEVER been a contest, no 'winner' has been picked either by one moderator or even forum consensus. And if anyone wants to show off their arranger music here, even if it ISN'T the tunes that the eJam picked, what is to stop them?

And, don't worry about Donny. When we HEAR the 'real deal', we'll know it.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!