I've owned a CV, a C3, and 2 B3's. The last was a B3 that had been 'portablized' that I bought while in Hawaii and sold when we moved back to the mainland. Even in it's portable state, it still weighed over 300lbs, not counting the Leslies. Heck, the two Leslie cables alone probably weighed as much as my Nord C1 . Would I choose the real deal over a clone? For home, yes; for gigging, never (unless I were a touring superstar....or travelling with one (the more likely scenario ), and had full-time instrument techs, roadies, and set-up guys). I want to be the keyboardist in one of those Jay Leno/David Letterman-type house bands (but I also want to be independently wealthy, living in a mansion overlooking the bay where my yacht is anchored and my trophy wife is just returning from her modeling gig at Victoria's Secret). Sorry, got carried away; what were we talking about? Must be arrangers, since we're now only allowed to talk about those, or so it's been proposed. Better get in these pointless posts while we can.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]