I appreciate Russ's kind words but I have to say this about guns. I come from a family of hunters, all of whom owned guns. I have no problem with responsible people owning guns. Russ is obviously one of those people as, if what happened to him had happened to (most of) us, that gun collection of his would have been put to good use and in short order . For me, I can say that in all my years (except for the military), I have never needed one for protection or self-defense; that's pretty good for a "jerk".

If I were king, would I ban guns. Probably not, but I would ban showing up at a political rally armed to the teeth with automatic and semi-automatic weapons (can someone explain to me the need to do that?). Guns for legitimate hunters, no problem; guns for collectors, no problem; guns for sport target shooting, no problem; guns in case someone looks at me cross-eyed, big problem. I don't expect everyone to agree with my point of view, and that's okay; this IS America. But I'm not convinced that "the right to bear arms" has the same meaning and intent when it was written as the way it is currently being interpreted. JMO, of course.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]