Originally posted by montunoman:
Vlio- yes the term "Latino" "Latin America" always seemed odd for the reasons that you pointed out. Here's what I undersatand:

The origin of the word "latin america" comes frome France, in the nineteen century, in purpose to rename "iberian america" (iberian=spanish+portuguese) and including french speaking countries of america (guyana, haiti, caribean islands) - So the word "latin", that include Spanish, Portuguese and french cultures was used insted of "iberian" that excluded the french-speaking territories.

Generally, american people are comfusing all the meaning of the next words,
to resume, the real meanings of these words are :

Hispanic (hispano) =
coming from Spain or related to spanish languages and culture.

Iberian (ibero) = Coming from Spain AND Portugal, related to Spanish and Portuguese languages and cultures.

Latin (latino) = Coming from a latin-based country, related to countries with a latin-based language and culture. (NOT only to latin-america.) - Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, Romania + their former colonies in america.

Hispanic-american (hispanoamericano) =
Coming from a spanish-speaking country of america.

Ibero-american (iberoamericano) = Coming from Spanish and portuguese (brazil) speaking countries of America.

Latin-America (latinoamericano) = coming from a country of spanish, portuguese of french language in America.
The use that is made in some countries in America, using Hispanic and latin as interchangeable is wrong.

[This message has been edited by montunoman (edited 04-10-2010).]

Good Explanation,,,,,Thanks