Originally posted by ianmcnll:
I've already uploaded a song, way back in the jam sessions, that shows the Yamaha can play complex chords without needing the assistance of another guitar.

I believe the Audya will sound different with the guitar tracks alone because that's the only way you can hear them plainly...and, as I said, many tunes start with just guitar.

The thread is about the Audya (see the title).

I'd also like to hear it play chords like these, for example: C...Cmaj7th/B...Am...Am7th/G...F...Fmaj7th/E...Dm...Dm7th/C...using ONLY guitar tracks.

But, as I said in an earlier post, I don't expect anyone to upload an example like that...why would they?

If you have played a PSR-S910, a Tyros3, a Tyros2, a Tyros, a PSR-S900, a PSR-3000, you will have had the opportunity to see/hear the Yamaha mega guitars play complex inversions and chords without a hitch...surely you can find one of those instruments, and prove it to yourself....that's the best way, and a way you've always been crying for everyone to use....so take your own advice.


But did you play the Yamaha with just the guitar track alone? And yes this is about the Audya but you are the one talking about how great Yamaha is and how it can play complex chords but can not provide proof of it. Yes as you pointed out it is always best to try an instrument out for yourself. So why don’t you do the same for the Audya.

The fact is you (as a Yamaha rep) kept harping that the Yamaha is better at playing complex chord than the Audya. And you are doing that in an Audya thread. Some one has proven you wrong by putting up a demo that shows that complex chords can be played seamlessly on the Audya. You say no and that you want to hear the guitar by themselves and that the Yamaha could do it much better. You are unwilling to prove the point that the Yamaha could do it better but still are requesting that someone put up another Audya demo with just the guitar part.

If I wanted to hear how the strings section of a style sound by them selves, for something as nitpicky as that, I would go and see the keyboard in a store.
But I could understand your position that since you don’t have any intention to get an Audya, and since it is easy to say words to put down your competition, putting your self out to play the keyboard is not an option.