As I said, Nedim, if you only stick to the simplest examples, then sure, it's going to be easy to translate and make good. Trouble is, most modern TOTL arrangers have gone FAR beyond simply multi-layering samples, and use a variety of techniques to get better realism. And NONE of these translate well, if at all.

In Korg's Guitar Mode, the only thing in the style is the trigger notes for the strums and picking patterns, and a totally different engine picks the actual notes and performance noises, etc.. That data isn't in the style at all... Hence, impossible to translate.

I have been told several times that DNC works in style mode, Bill. Some of the rules are intervallic, and I would expect at least THEM to work in style mode. Thing is, Korg have yet to release dedicated samples for DNC, so it isn't quite the factor it could be, but Guitar Mode is another thing altogether... I just don't see how that can be translated at all.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!