Judy Short has really captured the flavor of the song I've heard over and over thru the years The fact that she has created that on an s900 is impressive, lots of creativity. I would have never thought about trying to play this on the s900, let alone produce what she has.
I had a pretty decent command of this song at one time playing it as a piano solo, but as the years have gone by I haven't played it much and have lost it.
This song "Deep Purple" also reminds me of my late father. As a kid growing up in the late 50s early 60s I heard this on my dad's custom built Jensen speaker system via a Harmon-Kardon pre-amplifier/heath kit amp. He played it regularly, as I recall it might have been a version recorded by Jackie Gleason's orchestra ( ??) The tune always sent chills up and down my spine.
Later in life when in my early 20s when I met this lovely Chiquita. OH, did she love that tune and she played it as background music we were making a different kind of music.
[This message has been edited by Stephenm52 (edited 05-04-2010).]