Ok Donny, so which part of my statement do you 'feel the same way about a Hammond organ' about? The part where I said I didn't like the tone (basic sound) of an accordion, or the part where I said I didn't think it was a good fit for jazz? If it's the former, then why did you haul one around for years as your main ax, and if it's the second, why do you worship at the alter of Tony Monaco (whom I also like a lot) who PLAYS JAZZ ON A HAMMOND ORGAN. Just because I don't like accordions doesn't mean you have to suddenly hate Hammond organs to 'get even'. For Pete's sake, this isn't elementary school. So if Nigel happened to mention that he didn't like accordions, does that mean that you automatically hate guitars? Hey, the fact that I don't like accordions is not a stab at you personally. Since you're from the Philly area, you've probably heard of Rufus Harley and his 'jazz' bagpipes. For the record, I hate those too. Their unique sound was totally appropriate at JFK's funeral but really suck with drums and upright bass.
I'm glad you found, and were able to purchase, something from your early years that has sentimental value and makes you happy. The only thing I remember fondly from my youth is now old, fat, and ugly (she feels the same way about me

). You're a lucky guy. Enjoy your new accordian.
BTW, I enjoyed those pics of Benny. I recognized his wife, of course, and three of his staff. He's aged a little but he's still the same old Benny. Been quite a few years but Benny isn't someone you forget easily. Almost brought a tear to my eye until I remembered all the hard-earned cash I left there
