Originally posted by Fran Carango:
This brings up another important question to me...."who would want to "play" house music?"

Not I.....

I want to "play" music that will invoke a feeling or memories.... music that is best when you can "sell" the song...

I think this is the purpose of music..

House music and it's relative music...is a beat....something to bounce around with...I do not think you will remember these "house" songs beyond the current time..let alone any lyric content...

If House is your bag...better you than I...

Just play the dang MP3 if you have request....and move on to the good stuff...

Might not be your bag or mine....but WORLDWIDE it's BIGGER & Played more in Discos or Dance Clubs around the world then any other genre of music...or anything anyone here performs on an arranger....
sorry but that's the facts. I agree with playing the Mp3's/Cd's etc, when needed in some of our gigs....but your not gonna PUMp a Hi Energy Disco dance club with an Arranger KB....just NOT the right TOOL for the Job!

[This message has been edited by Dnj (edited 06-10-2010).]