I read a lot about the Motif XF espescially on Motifar.

Its sad to see that the XF gets the same accusation as the Tyros line... Its a collection of small improvements which make a much better instrument as a whole, but there is no innovation in the product line.. same concept same options as the orriginal 10 year old Motif.

Why does the company that brought us the DX technollogy and VL synths stop being innovative. It has been proven in any buiseness that as soon as you stop being innovative you'll start loosing your market share...

I am really exited to see if the upcomming Roland and Korg workstations can be inovative enough to take away the lead of the Motif series in the workstation market.

I think Steven Kay prolly stopped working on the Karma implementation for openlabs about a year ago to help design a new KORG product.

Roland should be able to put things like V-synth, V-piano intoo their new workstation range which also should rock in controlliong things on computers to become the ultimate masterkeyboard all in one instrument based on the awesome Fantom interface.

I think Yamaha is up for some heavy competition, espescially from Korg... but also from Roland if they finaly would use their technollogy and innovation in a workstation.
Yamaha Genos, Roland Jupiter 80, Ipad pro.
