try to read and qoute in context diki. I know that its a stretch for a blind person but still...

For example here is one full qoute that you misqouted

'arranger features intergrated even more into workstations. My next arranger is likely to be a motif. i havent finished with my PA1X. This is just pure gear lust. I admit it straight out ha ha'

Heres the rest of the other one

'My brother has an XS and it works in the same way as any style. The whole purpose of it is to use it as a creative song writing tool. You select the groove you want as a template. You lay down some chord progressions so you have some sense of a beginning middle and ending and drop it in the sequencer.Mute the parts you dont want or delete them entirely. Then you programme your own intro , your own drum breaks and fills using the preset drum patterns if you want as a template which you can alter to your will,You can use the effects that have been provided in the template or use your own, change the instruments completely etc'

and lastly in your amateurish attempt to misquote me you missed this blindingly obvious one.

'It could not replace a fully featured arranger in its current form.But it does have arranger features, drum fills, styles of increasing and decreasing complecity that follow chord progressions as you have just seen. Is that clear enough ??? Or did you not see that ???? I almost think that blindness is catching ha ha :-) (i am just kidding with you Leeboy , dont be offended''

But i guess that one did not suit your purposes or your blindness genuinely missed it. You wouldnt deliberately misqoute my words to mean something i clearly did not mean would you diki ???????

I mean i posted directly in repsonse to you by saying

'Arranger 'features' does not mean the motif is an arranger. Noone is saying that it is . What is so hard to understand when i say it has arranger 'features' ? The whole point i made when i posted the clip was to show arranger features being used in a workstation. The clip showed exactly that. But a blind person cant see. My mistake really ha ha !!!! '

Did you not see that one either Diki ???? My my my !! this is really disappointing.

Also just how can my definition of an arranger be both 'narrow' and 'broad' at the same time ? I love the clarity of your thought processes although i am amused that you cant seem to make up your mind :-)

As for your last post . Have you ever heard of a Swiss Army Knife ? Thats what an arranger attempts to be and the XF has swiss Army Knife characteristics .

actually i have assumed you understand why people buy Swiss army Knives. I mean from the way you reason, they should simply carry around knives, forks, screw drivers cork screws can openers all dedicated for their purposes right ?

i have probably confused you even more and i dont want to spend the next few weeks explaining to you what constitutes being called a swiss army knife ha ha :-)

Take it easy diki :-)

[This message has been edited by spalding1968 (edited 09-15-2010).]