Can only speak for myself...I have never give away styles that I haven't done myself. With Korg...there really isn't that goin all that much...and the ones that are out there are usually ones from folks on the forums that they did themselves. I know lots of that goes on with Yamaha.
Actually with the PA2 you can create styles from MIDI's as the tools are there and it works. Also, with drums, you can do the slicing so tempo can change without pitch changing.
Actually new styles...while nice are only 1 reason I would buy a new Kbd. Here's my list:
1) More, faster memory for user sound waves, styles, pgms etc Flash so don't have to wait for loading samples.
2) New superb sounds (DNC, SA2 etc)
3) Better tools onboard for sampling, and making new sounds
4) In the case of Korg...1 issue fixed..combining user files (multiple sets) is something we need.
5) Better build could be a +
6) Bigger screen would be great...10 inch is what I would like to see
7) More fills on the Korg would be nice
8) One can HOPE...that on a new instrument they fix the freeking sounds that have problems!
Lee S.
Lee S.