Originally posted by Dnj:
now this is where the problem is...even if they made more so called modern styles only four variations of each isn't enough to create songs the right way to your liking...

You can make at least 8 variations in a song using the registration memory.

I also suspect that future arrangers will have more than the 4 variation + 3 intro/ending they have now.

Remember, not that long ago, arrangers had only two variations/style...it's not hard to imagine there will be more advanced styles in the future that handle much more.

Also, consider that what is being sold today for entertainment is vastly different than what was being marketed only five years ago...things like Guitar Hero, and other music games are far more popular to kids who mostly want "instant gratification"...I-pod, and I-pad musical apps are being introduced seemingly every day...what will kids buy in the future? Will it even have keys?


[This message has been edited by ianmcnll (edited 12-27-2010).]
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