Originally posted by miden:
I have never said or done any such thing!!

Please do not make "broad-brush" generalised statements such as this. In all my comments re the MS, I have only EVER criticized (justifiable too imho) the arranger functions as being inadequate, and the user interaction and functionality as lacking.

As an open work-station sampler it has no peer. The only comparable keyboard in my view is the Oasys.

Economic practicalities were the ONLY reason that made it impossible for me to keep it and the PA2x.


was I replying to you? No. Is your name Tony Hughes? Look up my reply again, I was replying to Tony Hughes. Nothing to do with you. What generalized comments? You didn't understand any of what I wrote.

[This message has been edited by arranger_yes_pc_no (edited 01-01-2011).]