jmo, but the iPad and the appropriate app is a far FAR better solution than the MPP, both in ease of use and in pure graphics quality.
And in the near future any of the about to be released Windows 7 Tablets!!
Really, all the bells and whistles are not really needed on stage!!
All the setup work is done at home. So create your doc file, or paint file or whatever, print it to a PDF file...and believe me, it is the EASIEST way to get crystal clear charts without having to stuff around with this pixel setting or that pixel setting, or that res or that res...
MPP is WAY to awkward..not too mention no further support either, and it is really a very poor, graphically speaking, option for onstage performance.
I went from a 12" tablet laptop to the iPad @ just under 10", but because of the superb crystal clear graphics Apple do, after about 20 minutes I did not notice the difference.
In fact I even went back to the laptop before finally selling it, JUST to see, and my reaction was "uggh, how did I EVER use that!!!"
Just my 2c worth here
