Hi All,
Which Ipad model are you using to read music and what advanatages will the new ipad have for handling music, what are you using to turn pages. There are mixed messages about the MPP I am getting and mines is going back for lock up faults and power battery performance, I don't think you can use the MPP without mains, the battery life is much too short.
I use a 32 gig model wi fi only. I purchased the
Air turn for turning pages, works well, but not every pedal works with it, so I purchased the pedal as well as the blue tooth unit.
On the subject of the MPP I have had mine since November 2005 I've never used it just powered via the battery, but effective last August 2010 it will not run at all on battery, it needs power from the adapter. At this time I don't feel it's worth my while to send it in for battery replacment. But the unit still works fine via the power cord. It's been one very versatile unit, I have no complaints and it has paid for itself a few times over.