Doubt it, Dan. It was tried some while ago to play T2 styles into a MoES module, but the mapping of the Mega-voice sounds that OUGHT to be identical just aren't. The Left Hand of Yamaha knoweth not what the Right Hand doeth...! rolleyes

What you MIGHT try to do is have a background 'scaler' for volume and reverb and the like. I imagine, what MOST people would really like is to just plug in the style, and not have to do ANYTHING for it to sound its' best (if the style sounded its best in the original instrument). If you are constantly doing the same adjustments (a piano too loud, a bass too quiet, a snare drum too upfront) or making the same reverb adjustments (your Pirates sounded MUCH drier than the Yamaha version), then these offsets should be stored, and applied in the background.

And, as this is a business for you, buying a T4 would be a legitimate write-off for you. Having the original to compare to will give you a HUGE leg up on tweaking this stuff RIGHT...

BTW, if you could tweak Yamaha Tyros styles to CORRECTLY use MotifXS/XF Mega-voice sounds, you could have a product that would sell VERY well indeed. Lots of Motif owners wishing their WS could do arranging, too... wink
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!