I don't get why people are putting down the guys who perform at NH. A gig is a gig - doesn't matter if it's a dance hall, pub, stadium or a shed! Even if you are playing for thousands or ten - the job is still the same. You still have to put out the energy and the effort to entertain. If you are a really shitty player - you will not get more gigs. But if you are booked again and again - people like what you do, so you must be doing something right.

I will play for anyone, anytime, and anywhere - I will give it my best effort regardless of what the venue is.

Don't be hating on other folks gigs, if they get the jobs - they got the chops!

It is as pointless as claiming that one genre is worth more than another - which is bs.

The bottom line is music is music, players are players, there is no contest to find out who or what is the best - I mean how to do you even messure that?

All you guys out there playing, keep at it, and don't let anyone put you down for doing what you do!
