Actually elderly care - or lack therof - is not a national problem, it is a global problem. It is the same story over here. For those that are lucky enough to live in nursing homes, they get to enjoy cat food, sedatives and overworked staff.

For the rest that are living at home, getting home care. They get 15 minutes of care, that should be enough for daily hygiene, opening the mail, cooking dinner, and cleaning the home.

It is a shame the way the people we inherit our societies from that we don't treat them with more respect and dignity. It scares me that I someday might be in the same situation - I hope this trend will take a turn for the better, because they deserve a hell of a lot more than what they are given. And anyone who is willing to give of their own time and effort - to try to help give these poor people some kind of hope, or at least a recess from their daily routine to breath is a hero in my book.
