He gang ...don't take it too serious. I think Craigs intention is to have a feature that is fun....maybe not for a guy on stage!
He did Kookie Kaoreoke for the same reason.
For someone like me and I think thousands of others...it is very cool and useable in a specific scenario.
Remember we do not know just how it works yet, and maybe it's only the beginning of what will be done on the VH2/
These days HW is a given, it's the software and implementation that counts...That's what I do for a living, custom software in industrial environments.
Spot on, Lee...it is meant
mainly for the home user, much like Kookie Karaoke....however,
there's nothing stopping the many professionals, who also use Tyros4, from taking advantage of it. The word from Yamaha is that the VH-2 is a
new vocal processor...not an enhanced version of the old one.
And, yes, apparently it is only the beginning of what can be done with it, and with guys like Craig, no telling to what levels it can be taken.
Remember, most of the features, that
professionals use on today's arrangers, had their
beginnings in the
home market; auto-accompaniment, for instance.