Originally Posted By: leeboy
James, for what this feature is designed for....having the MIDI of the song you are going to play is FINE...it is kind of a kaoroke.
But it would work fine at home or elsewhere for someone to sing with.
This is not a live PRO gigging musicians tool. Well, it could be used in a special situation...how many here can sing songs from Phantom of the Opera??? ON KEY??? Not many...so you see it may have some applicibility for anyone.

One other question...since I am out of sync with the Korg PA3X..did they fix the TONS of bad sounds coming forward on the PA3 that were on the PA2?? That's one BIG reason I sold mine???
I sent 3 pages of bugs in the sounds to Korg, never heard a word back.

I agree, Lee, this is probably not intended as a pro gigging tool, however, I'm sure some pros will find some very creative uses for it.

It is intended to be FUN mostly, and, quite frankly, it is going to be a real hoot to demo, if it comes to fruition, which, I think it will.

It will work, not only on commercial-type SMF (many available for free on the Internet), but others as well, including those you make yourself on the instrument.

We all like to have FUN and get the most out of our instruments, I know I do.


PS...were there that many bad sounds in the PA2X? Hopefully the matter has been looked after by Korg in the PA3X.

PSS...2588 views of this thread at my last count...appears to be a lot of interest.

Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.