Great work buddy , I like the piano sound is that the xf that is what I am looking for also have you been able to midi up together asign the xf to play drum sounds ether from a style or a midi file and maybe bass as well or did you use the loops from the xf to do these songs , my vision is to take the good from the tyros 4 and the good from the xf midi asign to play the parts of choise to give it a full more live sound also asign outputs from the xf and tyros and give drum and bass ect it own channel and seporate mix thus giving the sound a real live feel , at the Namm show I got into this topic with the yamaha guys and they feel this will give the sound a much fuller and life like sound , I welcome your thoughts !!!
Genos, PSR S970, Fender Tele Amercian Deluxe Cherry sunburst , Cubase Pro 8 ,Yamaha A3M Acoustric ,Taylor 814, Ibenez Artcore Custom Tascam DP 32 Yamaha DXR 10, QSC K-12, K 12 Sub K 8 Sinn 945
2 Fender Expo line units .