You need to make your own judgement, the Audya is the most expensive KB on the planet, therefore there should be money in the pot for support, in fact at lot in the pot, but its not there and I know for a fact that the mark up a dealer makes on a Ketron is crap, so he's not interested when he's made a sale.
I don't know whats going on with them, and they are not interested in putting it right.
Last week one UK dealer took in stock over 250 Tyros 4, I don't think Audya sold that in the UK in the last 3 years.
Same as Rickenbacker basses...a boutique instrument - They have NO interest in supplying any great numbers, have no interest in exporting any at all....from what I have been told they make less than 1500 new ones a year, and expensive at that - no discounts for these....But STILL an exceptional bass!!!
I would rate Audya the keyboard manufacturer, not all that interested in world domination or huge numbers, and they charge accordingly.
Still an excellent instrument...
You pay the price they want or go elsewhere, they don't really mind...and I suspect Ketron are ticking over nicely...