Originally Posted By: BobbyP
Doesn't work for me. I got a friend to send me 12/8folk made in to a registration and it loads up on my Audya but will not play.
I copied it as a single registration to my single registration folder on Audya HD. All my other SRGs work fine
Any ideas men ?


12_8Folk is a style of the "2011 SoundUpdate" ( NOT from the 4.2B OS ). Maybe you can use it only if you´ve got it installed.

And just for info : The registratione are NOT FROM ME wink
They are from Bernie Liwowsky ( I got this info from the German Ketron Newsletter )

I worried about the fact, that most of them ( I didn´t try all yet laugh ) set the "velocity curve" to "soft2" ( I worked hard the past year to be able to use "normal" wink.
And I´m sure that registrations can really much more than these wink
Greetings from East-Frisia ( Northern-Germany )