I seem to have stumbled in to a fire here!
Firstly, My own stuff has been pirated many times and has probably cost me quite a lot of money. It is sickening ! My initial reaction was to stop recording but that would not have helped me. The pirates will always be there and I just have to rise above it and live with it.
Secondly Tonewheeldude's last point applies.
I thought Henni's point here was about a Registration containing a style and I was simply testing that point. If the style was saved within a Registration then every style would be out there in registrations for everyone to share or pirate or whatever they chose to call it.
I wonder just how many perfect people have never been given a style or a sound, mp3 or midifile or even a movie. ??????
I will call Ketron Uk next week and buy the update. I have no intention of ripping anyone off but I think some of you guys should take a look in the mirror

Edited by BobbyP (09/16/12 01:41 AM)