
This is not my thread & hence I don't want to say too much.

Tell me my friend, all those things that you state "could" be done with a midi style - do you actually "do" it? If so, you are a very "busy" man & I don't know where you find the time in between to perform.

And all the things that "could" be done on midi styles for various chords, on the Audya they "are" done already for me.

God forbid that I have to go to that extend on my Audya to make my styles usable...

One last thing that you so coveniently overlook in your highly educated discussions, my Audya can play any midi style just the same as your arranger. The audio sections are extra & your arranger CANNOT offer those. I'm not limited to audio alone. My Audya can do ALL those midi tricks you are so fond of highlighting - so I'm loosing out on NOTHING! I have EVERYTHING you have already onboard plus a LOT that you don't have & again, stock standard & onboard!

Currently I have many, many more midi styles on my Audya than Audio styles. I have the flexibility to mix & match, play them sepererately or do just about anything that pleases me with those. You are FAR from having the same - you can only dream - period!

So, what are you critidsizing then that your arranger can do that the Audya cannot, or maybe cannot according to your opinion?

Make sure you'll fly forever!