I missed the post a bit earlier where AJ laid out importing drum grooves into the Ketron. Not bad, overall, not too difficult (I imagine that you'll need to do any sample trimming and triple check for tempo in a computer), but I think he makes it a bit overcomplicated, in a way...

Commercial and freeware drum loop libraries are plentiful and often affordable, played by the very best, recorded in the best studios... I think, rather than hiring a drummer to play your MIDI loop, you simply audition these and find what you need.

Plus, in lieu of arranger manufacturers finally making sample ROM sizes big enough (or a Kronos SSD type system where Ram is jacked in fast enough to be practical on a gig) to use VSTi size drum kits, with their level of detail, get a good selection of the best VSTi kit libraries and their associated MIDI libraries (Toontracks have a huge selection for their kits) and then simply export the drum loop (that you CAN edit all you like!) as a .wav for importing into the Audya.

Mind you, I'm not reading anything about new strumming libraries, am I? Basslines, if the import system is the same, shouldn't be a huge issue, but guitar strumming, with Ketron's hybrid audio/MIDI system for getting more than basic Maj, Min, 7th chords is probably an issue. Shame, really, as, just like drums, there are some fantastic guitar strumming and picking patterns (in most chord types and keys) libraries out there...

But, at least from users here, most of what I'm getting from actual Audya USERS is that, it's fine as is, never made an audio style yet... no matter HOW simple it seems!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!