Originally Posted By: keybplayer
Quote: Everybody "wants" but, nobody wants to pay.....

I'm willing to pay but there is a limit. First of all high-end keyboards are a lot like fine furniture.
High-end keyboards are a similar "pot-of-gold" for keyboard manufacturers. For example a Tyros4 costs around $5,200 and I'm estimating Yammie probably makes $2,500-$3,000 in pure "profit" on each Tyros4 they sell.

Its easy to forget the hidden costs and be distracted by the plastic case and circuit boards alone. But so much more is involved then a parts list:

Design, R&D costs..including prototyping, software developers and programmers, style writers, plus all the other staff involved in production, manufacturing, packaging, logisitcs, marketing accountancy etc...how many people do you think are involved in total in Tyros Project from beginning to end?), , plant and machinery (including maintenance and sevrice), building overheads, taxes, licenses, government standards complience (emmisions, safety, ROHS, WEEE etc), legal fees, taxes, logistics, taxes after sales service, support, warranty costs, parts, taxes...and the list goes on.