Until some combination of loops and arps (which operate completely differently to styles' chord lookup tables) is combined with regular arranger operation, the kids are going to look elsewhere. Certain aspects of arpeggiator features sound utterly different to styles. The notes you actually PLAY are what trigger the arp, not what the software interprets you MEANT...

This results in patterns and figures that are so different from style NTT's they really can't be compared. But there is much in style NTT's that IS useful, too. It's about time that the two methods were combined... affordably. I know someone is going to say that there is an arpeggiator on the Ketron's, but sadly, compared to the complex one's on modern WS's, the Ketron's is little more than an 80's style arpeggiator. You only have to go play a MotifXF, or a KorgM3 to see how far things have come. But they still sound utterly different to styles.

Come on Yamaha/Korg/Roland... Time to consolidate both methods!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!