I would love to use the Roland G70 and the Lionstracs MediaStation...on every job I do...and yes the Roland BK5 could easily do the same job. grin

The benefits are all mine, not the audience.. .

As long as I can deal with the weight and carrying extra gear..I would be happiness with the two keyboard set up...Practical..nope smile

But the main reason I play is for my enjoyment..what better than two keyboards with the best key feel in the business, touch screens, and each of them with strenghts that are at the top of the field..all packaged together in a 100 pound combo grin

It feels so wimpy setting up a 16 pound keyboard, that does it all cool

I also think folks get rid of their keyboards before they even know how to use them...I know I heard folks say..I don't need certain features...but if they learned how to use them, it would be a different story...

I figured out the problem, all my "old friends" keep complaining about the weight, and almost convinced me to their thinking...I didn't even consider a light weight keyboard even a few short years ago..I always wanted the best, and that was top of the line..and yes it weighed a bit more, or you knew it lacked quality construction..

It sort of reminds me of old pickup basketball games...youn grin g kids had the shooting eye and quickness, but the older, wiser thugs , I mean players knew that bulk and heavier body just would wear the youngsters (light weights) down..Same with the G70 and BK5 wink