
Seems to me that Yamaha to a certain extent is doing just that:
providing Sample/Style packs for the PSR750/950 even 64Mb large
(that is the size of a Roland G70 SRX extension board !!) all in software and easy to download. (ridiculously priced but that is another story).
I am getting slowly acquainted with my "new" G70, but I am sure the archiving of files ( UPG, UPS, etc.etc) was done by the Italians in 2003 cause it ain't half chaotic. Crickey.....
As to the subject of this thread and also in view of my first remark I have advised Deane to hang on to his PSR750 and get the PA500 in addition. Apparently he could get one (used) at a very very affordable price. I also advised him never ever to sell his KMA !!! And like you said these days motl keyboards are becoming all the rage and combining two or even three different brands , even secondhand, will offer you stellar results, which might be bad news for those eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Tyros 5 or whatever it will be called.. smile smile
