I see where you are coming from Dave. It sounds a bit muffled , with slight sibilance everywhere and all I can say is that it does not sound as good as my PA800, honestly. Don't know which corners have been cut here, oh and by the bye it is not a match with the PA3X. As I mentioned before the harmoniser on the PA900 is supposed to be the same as on the PA800.
Incidentally, all the factory PADS on the PA900 are the ones already there on the PA800. Seems to me that they have been doing a lot of repackaging in China really. That having been said the multisample list of the PA900 runs well over 830 samples( same as the PA3X) whereas the PA800 only sports approx. 600. Not sure though that the internal ROM sample memory holding all these samples is the same on the PA900 as on the PA3X.As a matter of fact I would be pleasantly surprised if it were.( To the best of my knowledge the internal ROM sample memory of my PA800 is a mere 128Mb.
The PA900 is stil not out here in Europe but will hit the stores starting next week or thereabouts..............