Korg builds the units themselves, and they told me that the 900 does, indeed have a similar unit to the 800. Could be better, but it's still WAY usable.
Thanks for the enlightenment Dave. So the harmonizer is more in line with the Pa-800 and not the same as the one in the PA3X. My hunch was correct.

To be fair I've heard other Pa-900 vocal demos that sounded pretty good and I realize your demos were not commercially produced and were kind of spur of the moment type of thing and you hadn't had time to really experiment fully as far as what were the best settings and/or microphone to use. If you're saying it's a lot better than the Yammie s-950 harmonizer then I certainly respect your opinion.
I'll have to play the Pa-900 firsthand and then decide whether I would need an external unit. As I said in my previous post Korg and the others should step up to the plate and give customers a superb harmonizer because in the end it would result in more sales and would increase their own bottom line. Raise the price of the keyboards if they need to but including a stellar harmonizer is ultimately a win/win situation for both consumers and the manufacturers. Just like more realistic Drum Kits are a win/win situation also. Take the 'toy' out of the arranger and people will break down the doors to purchase them. Leave a few things to be desired e.g. vocal harmonizer, Drum Kits, key action, etc. and people may wind up looking elsewhere.
I'm glad you think the Pa-900 harmonizer is usable for live performances. The only harmonizer I consider superb right now is the Voice Live2 but were talking $750 and there's still quite a bit of room for improvement. But in the end that's what it may boil down to. I'll play the Pa-900 first before I decide one way or the other.
I hope Korg is listening. In fact if Yamaha produced a VH3 (Vocal Harmony 3) in collaboration with Digitech that could prove interesting too.
Thanks again for sharing those demos Dave. I've always said you probably have the best voice of all the members on this forum. Don Mason is another favorite.
All the best, Mike