Deane wasn't having an issue with accessing the features he wanted. He simply couldn't FIND them! That's more an issue with reading and understanding the manual, and getting to the parameters than it is an issue with knowing how to do something, but not being able to get to it quick enough to use live.

I agree that a touch screen would speed things up bigtime, but the touchscreen does not add features! Or help someone that doesn't know how to do something in the first place.

And once again (pointed this out ad nauseam), a BK-9 and an iPad, which adds back all the touch screen convenience lost with the dual screens on the BK-9, is still considerably LESS than the cost of a G70 was. In fact, with a BK-9 and an iPad, you now have THREE screens active at a time... Lyrics on one, full front page on one, full editor on another. While the Korg's touch screen is OK (apparently, the PA900 has a MUCH better touch sensitivity that the PA3X, which, TBH I found pretty unresponsive compared to the G70's), it is still only capable of showing one screen at a time.

Originally, when the BK-9 first came out, I was quite dismayed and perplexed with Roland's decision. Now that the BK-9 Performance Editor is out for the iPad, I think things are a LOT better, and some stuff is quite a lot better than the G70 (which couldn't, for instance, display lyrics and allow sound access at the same time).

It takes time to find out what is good and bad in a new arranger, and new OS's often make initial impressions moot. Having had the BK-9 for a while now, I have made quite a change in my initial impression. I only wish others had the same degree of patience and determination to find out how to do things in an unfamiliar fashion.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!