When I took piano lessons, we had a Steinway at home...unfortunately it was not a grand, but a big old upright.

The nicest grand I ever played, also at my high school (St.Michael's), was a fairly new Petrof. I used it, along with a Hammond M-3 and Arp Omni, in a performance of the musical "Hair" which we performed in the school gym. I still have one of the programs that they passed out at the door somewhere in my papers. I can't remember the year off hand.

The Petrof had a nice mixture of warmth and bite, and I played it at every opportunity. It's still in use at the new high school, and still sounds great according to those who have played it recently.

And I agree about the filters for shaping the piano's sound...you couldn't get the results you got without them.

They also work good on the Tyros4's SA2 Jazz Sax, and the SA2 Violin to give nice variations of those tones.

If you do another piano piece, please don't hesitate to share it here.

Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.