I agree, but the T5 is done. I serously doubt that Yamaha will make any changest to any of the T5s coming off the assembly line at this point. My best advice is for those that don't like what the see or hear, send letters to Yamaha and suggest these changes for the T6.
Why settle?
I asked Yamaha to update four things on the T4 and they did. If I hadn't campaigned, every Yamaha T4 in the world - including yours - would be bugged.
The T5 is a great keyboard (better than the T4 assuming the Voice Creator will work), but it could easily be even better with just a software update. Why do you have a problem with us campaigning for these changes??? Everyone will stand to benefit including yourself. In addition, I've been given information that if enough people want a feature Yamaha would strongly consider adding it.
I think this may be a generational issue. I see a trend: The older folk on SZ are happy to put down their money and expect no service or improvement after that. Myself, on the other hand, I'm happy to put down the money, but I would like to see constant support and updates. All the big audio brands are doing that now - offering major free software updates to their hardware products.
I just don't understand the push-back by some of the people here on SZ telling us to "not buy it". Why does it bother you that we see potential that you don't need?