Originally Posted By: adimatis
I am sure these are all different between them in more than one way, but definitely the most interesting will be the multitimbral VSTs.
That's why, I believe the sorts of Kontakt, HalionSonic or Sampletank will be most interesting.
IK's Sampletank 3 is going to be announced in January at NAMM, and it seems there are a lot of improvements and the interest builds up nicely.
Maybe vArranger could be a best match for such a virtual sound module! That will be killer.

Those would work great to build a base library for a software Arranger... I am a big fan of Kontakt myself, which works good when i trigger VST sounds from my keyboard. But these are merely advanced sample players

However, to get the true depth of VSTīs you should also use some of the more specialised VStīs that operate like true virtual instument simulations

But then i never realy use VSTīs with my audia styles, i only use them as solo voices to play on top of those styles..

Edited by Bachus (12/04/13 08:57 AM)
Yamaha Genos, Roland Jupiter 80, Ipad pro.
