Thing is, arranger is simply a TYPE of keyboard. You can do solo gigs on a piano. You can do solo gigs on a WS. You can play with others on those, too.

Same with the arranger. It is merely one of many TYPES of keyboard. The decision to ONLY play solo for the rest of your lives has NOTHING to do with what you play. TBH, it isn't even a financial decision. Few of us are so busy we couldn't do the odd band gig to recharge our creative and musical juices. In fact, the busiest of us could more afford it than some others!

Everybody's experience of their band playing days vary, obviously, but all I can say is, if an arranger makes you as happy on stage as you were with a band, you have my sympathies.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!