Less than 25% of my "live play" income comes from playing arrangers.
Less than 35% of my total playing income comes from live play.
I will ALWAYS include interaction/play with other musicians.
To me, that's what it's all about.
But again, that's because I'm not an entertainer.
The sacrifices have been major. But, this is what I've chosen, and life has been pretty good for the 58 years I've been involved in music.
But, I'm not Donny, who, I'm sure is a showstopper.
More power to him and others who get their satisfaction from pleasing customers live.
The point is: PLAY AND ENJOY IT!
Be well, folk,
Russ a wise man once told me after a show.....
"God gave you a talent,do you know why he gave it to you?..."
I said no,......and he replied...."
"So you can Share it with the world"..