Donny, I know most of the DJs and KJs down here, and most, at the very best, work a few weekends a month - that's it. Big deal! I can work every day of the week, two to three times a day if I were 10 years younger, and I can make a full-time living playing for the older crowd. Not everyone in the older set is in a nursing home, assisted living center, or retirement community. Many of them live at home, love to go out and dance, love to party, and guess what, THEY HAVE THE MONEY TO DO IT. The youngsters don't have any money, they piss it all away on I-phones and other similar forms of electronic gadgets, and from what I've seen, they, realistically, don't have fun. They can't get out of their tiny little cellular telephones long enough to know there is a real world revolving around them. It's amazing how little they really know.
As for weddings, Hell, if you're lucky you may get one or two a month and the pay rate is the same as it was 40 years ago - do you really think that you can live on what you made 40 years ago. Same holds true for the nite clubs, restaurants, bars, etc... For me, I'll stick with the seniors. They're not sitting there with their noses buried in an I-phone. They're having fun, and they're enjoying the kind of music we played at the Jam.
Ironically, the place where I performed today has little or no cellular service. It's way out in the boondocks, the nearest tower is probably at least 20 miles away, and the young girls that work there just about go nuts because they cannot text or receive telephone calls on their cellular telephones. When I fired up and did Hot Hot Hot, they had a conga line going around the room and out into the halls. They loved it, I got some hugs and kisses from very young girls that were built like Barbie Dolls, and I even got few to sing some Patsy Cline Songs.
So, from my perspective, you can have all those young people jobs - every damned one of them. I'll stick with the old folks - we remember how to have fun, and they're more than willing to pay for their fun. And, as I've said many times in the past, I'm not a musician, not a DJ, not a KJ, just an entertainer. I get paid very well to entertain people and that's why I'm still around - even after all these years.
Good luck on making a living on all those youngsters,