Originally Posted By: cgiles

But what is the REAL reason Arrangers never really penetrated the market (at least, the PRO market) and seems destined for extinction? One word...STIGMA!!!

Very true, chas ... I look at an Arranger as being analogous to the "Saturn" automobile - a fine product, with a sort of 'cult' following, that never caught on with the general public ... and eventually fell into oblivion - not that I feel AKBs are going to be extinct anytime soon, but I do think that as the current 'young' generation grows, venues for AKBs will be harder to find - ... Even as Saturn engineers improved the design of the car to compete with the Hondas of the world, the general public saw it as a 'poor man's auto', and would not be seen driving one ... Much like the situation with some 'pro' musicians and AKBs ...

Originally Posted By: cgiles
So, aside from OMB's playing the Nursing Home circuit, where do Arrangers fit in? Beats me?

Not so true, chas ... while the Arranger may have LIMITED appeal, OMB players do fairly well in restaurants, Country Clubs, and other venues ... just ask some of the OMB guys here who DON'T only play NH/Assisted living establishments, etc. ... but, as I alluded to above, how long that will last - who knows? ...
t. cool