Originally Posted By: Dnj
It really amazes me to read the continued underlying animosity towards any other musical creation using an arranger KB to make music vs "automated styles". But it is said "To each his own," I guess...?

ANIMOSITY?!? ... confused1

I fail to see any animosity in this post:

Originally Posted By: ianmcnll
To each his own, Donny...styles are the way for me and always have been. I don't sing, so I have to rely on other ways of making the performance more interesting, and midi files are way too restricting.
When I do back up a vocalist, either live, or in the studio, I use styles exclusively as well.
It's whatever works best for the player's needs.

Anyway, I use it all - styles, midi files - off the I'net or created by myself, - mp3s that I create myself, etc. so I have NO ANIMOSITY towards any method of song performance...
That being said, I don't really see how a style is more restrictive or monotonous than a midi file or an mp3 ... Once the midi file or mp3 is created for a song, that is IT ... there is very little changing it 'on the fly', whereas with a style, it can be changed during a song performance by changing variations, throwing in breaks, changing background voices, - I have even used an 'ending' as a short solo in the middle of a tune ...
Of course, one can be very creative when making a midi file or mp3 backing track, and a player could have countless backing tracks, even different tracks for the same song, but as I said, once the individual track is created, it is not changing - not very much at least ...
But this debate could go on forever without anyone being right or wrong ...
So, whatever works best for the player's needs and "To each his own,"
keys singer
t. cool