Thanks Donny,

The videos included were more meant to illustrate the issue of this thread. I find it hard and not necessary to add stuff to complete commercial backing tracks as they often are pretty much an exact copy of the hit song itself. ( that is if it is a good one). the Streets of London song was recorded way back when in 2004 with my PA80 that sported no vocaliser hence the additional voice tracks sung by yours truly. Using my current PA800 I make more use of its vocaliser though I am not always that impressed by its results. It is also a matter of taste really. Currently as some of you may know I am doing a project via the internet with a musician living in another part of Holland and so far we have completed four songs, two of which can be found on my youtube page under the heading "musical collaboration". Yet another different approach as I am not using backing tapes nor arranger keyboard, but start from scratch with guitar and vocals. Both Carlo and I do use our arranger keyboards later on but oddly enough not the arranger section but sounds to embellish the basics or/and add bass and sometimes percussion. Being enthusiastic about the collaboration as well as inspired I tend to get carried away by it as you can notice for yourselves overhere. I still think that, getting back to the issue of this thread, the audiences in general could not care less where the music is coming from, as long as the performer and sound are up to scratch, as long as they are having a good time and as long as they (preferably instantly) recognize the song being performed smirk
