
I stand strong in the faith and I do believe God leads us down a path. 50 years ago I was a wannabe "Beatle". Just reconnected with my lead guitar player from those days. It really inspired us to find that the Lord led two young "rock and rollers" 40 or 50 years later to be prominent members of their respective church praise teams.

4 or 5 years ago I started to write faith based songs. I had never really written anything before. Suddenly, I am using my God given talents to honour the Lord. The lyrics come pretty easy when you consider the source of inspiration and I have written and recorded close to 100 songs in that 4 or 5 year span.

I can still do all the old country, rock, reggae, R&B and pop stuff but the songs I write are the driving force in my music now. I just made this into a You Tube presentation last night.

God Bless,
God Bless,