I needed that after going into battle with Chas!
What puzzles me is why you feel you have to ... you know it won't have any constructive result. Just let it pass and don't provoke yet another response. Everyone can have their own viewpoint. You know only negativity will result from challenging an opposing view to your own with this sort of subject matter ... SO DON'T !!!! unless you want to provoke an argument. Simply ignore it let people have their say and it will pass on. I certainly don't want to read an endless back and forth. That is when I will lock or remove the thread.
On the other hand I also don't understand why people feel the need to have to disrupt a thread that is obviously not pertaining to what they do or do not believe. I guess I don't understand how people on both sides can be so egocentric. Drop it please or I will start getting annoyed ... and believe me I WILL get my way. Whatever it takes.
While I haven't banned sensitive issues involving religion or politics from forums other than The Bar I could if need be.