I just read your comment DonM. I think your web page idea could be cool except older people, I dunno if they would embrace that. If you wanna really do it, just hand them a business card with one of those scanner code thingies on it that goes to your website page and there are the songs.
Or, just don't take requests, lol. Or is it a law you have to? (I think there is nothing wrong with saying "I'm sorry, I don't do that one yet but I will play you another by that artist.") Or in that genre or whatever.
In my personal opinion, and that is all that it is... performers should not do songs that they do not do well. I think they should play fewer songs really well. Of course, musicians will say that people don't know the difference anyway. Hmmm.
OTOH, if the requester has a c-note in his hand, I'm in, lol.
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