Originally Posted By: Songman55
I have never wanted to be a DJ. And the day I have to do that will be the day I pass the torch. I got into this to do live music, and that's all I'll ever do. An occasional mp3 is fine as long as the show remains live.

I respect all who perform in the arts anyway shape or form,....personally it's too boring for me to just do one thing all the time. I'm glad I can mix it up letting me cover all kinds of venues. Having blinders on or maybe there are some who just can't do certain things, sing, Dj, or all of the above together just leave s more work for the ones that can do it, nothing wrong with that.
As long as you get your piece of the pie. There's more then enough to go around in many ways. There is no right or wrong way to do it just BE GREAT at Whatever it is YOU DO and make the people you perform for want you back and stand up[ and cheer when you done! clap